DCAs are one of the few close combat units in an SOB army that are any decent. Having five attacks on the charge (when using Uriah Jacobus) at initiative 6 is quite a handy thing, along with a 5+invul and FNP. Unfortunately, the models from GW are horribly expensive and they often go for close to retail on eBay.
Following advice from a friend, I bought some of the new Dark Eldar Wyches plastics and adapted them to double swords. At the same time, I trimmed off their pointy ears and the majority of the spikey stuff over their armour. I used a bit of the liquid greenstuff to normalise their swords and smooth out any surgical scars. A box of ten of these figures cost about the same as two DCAs, and so far I've converted four of them. Today I got round to finishing the paint job on one of them. Although it doesn't look exactly like the original, I actually quite like the way you can pose the plastic mini, making it a little less static than the rather dated originals.
Where did you found the right sword hands?