Thursday, August 2, 2012

More completed models

Here's some more photos showing my progress since I started in April until today.  Since I started repainting the minis, I've tried wet-blending, using a greater number of shades and being more liberal with my highlights - as well as getting more steady-handed.  I think this has resulted in some slightly better looking models than my first squad.

I've tried being a little more inventive with my bases, using more in the way of grass tufts, rocks and grit to get a more varied look.  I decided to go with a snow base theme for the army, mostly because it is simple, but also because it matches the general colour-scheme for the army.  This has been fairly simple to achieve with GW Mourn Mountain Snow texture paint, drybrushed white and some snow flock.  This week, I used some blue shades and some gloss coat to attempt and icy rock effects, which you can see in the second model on the right in the above pic.

This week I also tried a bit more NMM with a couple of power swords, first on a Crusader (as part of a battle conclave) and a Sister Superior. 

As part of detailing my general progress, here are some photos from my Repentia, Retributor, and Seraphim squads.

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